Mother Nature sheds the needs every fall, so it never requires cutting down down and/or grinding of any trees.
Each Bale weighs approx. 12lbs, can be easily moved by hand to various locations throughout your work area. Pine Straw (needles) helps reduce the erosion of soil, particularly on sloped areas that receive constant rain fall or irrigation. Pine straw should be spread 2 – 3 inches deep on the ground surface. Weed Suppression is achieved naturally as sun light is effectively blocked from the soil underneath the needles, while still allowing air and moisture to pass freely.
Key Benefits of the Service
We specialize in providing all-inclusive services starting with excavation & demolition, with the ability to provide drainage, Geotextile fabric, concrete pads, ADA Ramps & walls, along with IPEMA Certified Engineered Wood Fiber or Artificial Turf via one call.
A more time efficient, cost effective install with no wasted material or unnecessary clean up.
“Zero Site Impact” we lower the risk of concrete, asphalt, turf, trees or plant damage.
Ability to install multiple locations & volumes in same day.
Compacted blow rates of 60-70 cyds per hour.
Allows you to re-allocate your time or labor force to other more pressing tasks.